Gift Prezent

    Yesterday again I received a letter in which he informed me that I won something. Strange, because nothing did not take part. Another scam as already won a car and one hundred thousand dollars. So far, I can not wait.

    Wczoraj znowu otrzymałem list, w którym informują mnie, że coś wygrałem. Dziwne, bo w niczym nie brałem udziału. Kolejny przekręt tak jak już wcześniej wygrałem samochód i sto tysięcy złotych. Do tej pory nie mogę się doczekać.

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Fear Strach

    The smaller the danger, the greater the fear. Most are afraid of what we don't see. We imagine then incredible things. Let us fear most of all your thoughts, not to us lie reality.

    Im mniejsze zagrożenie, tym większy strach. Najbardziej boimy się tego, czego nie widzimy. Wyobrażamy sobie wtedy niestworzone rzeczy. Bójmy się przede wszystkim swoich myśli, aby nie zakłamywały nam rzeczywistości.

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TV set

    Have you considered how much time you lose to watch TV? It's your wasted hours of life. You don't care?

    Czy zastanawiałeś się nad tym, ile czasu tracisz na oglądanie telewizji? To przecież twoje zmarnowane godziny życia. Nie interesuje cię to?

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Don't drink

    Stop drunk, and your life will cease to be blurred. With the problems you have to fight, not flee from them.
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– What do you have in the bow?
– Ball.
– What do you need it?
– I'll play.
– With who?
– With an angel...

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    Unwanted children curse their fate – they would prefer to never be born than to live without love. Look at the children in the street. It's all emptiness and suffering.

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Ghost in the shirt

    When suddenly falls shirt with hanger or all those flying from the hands, don't be afraid – it's just ghosts manifest their presence. They bored too. When they can scare someone, they are delighted. Even if you're not afraid, let's pretend a little. You shall make them with this great joy.

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    Supposedly the aliens there is no, even though so many people claim to have seen them. Spaceships, kidnappings, signs in the heavens and the earth, everything is ignored. It's hard to believe, but since we don't believe in God, how to believe in aliens?

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This one

    Even if you hide, always someone will see you and denounce you. At each corner of the camera, in every window, eyes that follow your every step.


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My love is larger

    „In love there is no equality – I will love harder, if necessary...” – E. Dickinson. We competed in the daily love and fortunately never abandon us.

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    Do you want to live peacefully without too much stress? Buy a farm and move to the countryside. You will then be fully independent – will live on your own land.

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