
Snuggle to a friend, and he will be thy husband.
Snuggle the stranger, and he will be your lover.

Snuggle to a friend, and she will be your lover.
Snuggle the stranger, and you go to jail.

Silly, but true...

Przytul się do przyjaciela, a zostanie twym mężem.
Przytul się do obcego, a zostanie twoim kochankiem.

Przytul się do przyjaciółki, a zostanie twoją kochanką.
Przytul się do nieznajomej, a pójdziesz do więzienia.

Głupie, ale prawdziwe...

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Funny image 095

    You work and work, day after day goes by, and you have a little of this life. Wondering where is the problem, what is the reason. You are going out to work in the morning, come back in the evening or afternoon, but so tired that you have no strength for anything. That your fate – you think. Perhaps too much to expect from life? In the primeval Africa, Africans are working two hours a day – no more need. And you? How many hours a day do you work? And who here is a hundred years for blacks?

    Pracujesz i pracujesz, dzień za dniem mija, a ty niewiele masz z tego życia. Zastanawiasz się, gdzie leży błąd, jaka jest tego przyczyna. Wychodzisz do pracy rano, wracasz wieczorem lub po południu, ale tak zmęczony, że odechciewa ci się wszystkiego. Taki twój los – myślisz. Może za dużo oczekujesz od życia? W pierwotnej Afryce Afrykanie pracują po dwie godziny dziennie – więcej nie potrzebują. A ty? Ile godzin dziennie pracujesz? I kto tu jest sto lat za murzynami?

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TV set – Telewizor

    Another bogey came out of the TV. He thinks that enslave me, misled as others. He does not know yet that his end is near. Red button on the remote end of his playfulness. Again, I will want to live.

    Kolejne straszydło wyszło z telewizora. Myśli, że mnie zniewoli, otumani jak innych. Nie wie jeszcze, że koniec jego jest bliski. Czerwony przycisk na pilocie zakończy jego swawolę. Znowu będzie chciało mi się żyć.

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Lifebuoy – Koło ratunkowe

    God, I began to sink in the cesspool of the world, come to my aid and rescue, deliver me from this mad race in the reel like a bemused hamster in a cage. Don't let the world push me to the cage. You gave me freedom after all.

    Boże, gdybym zaczął tonąć w szambie tego świata, przyjdź mi z pomocą i uratuj, wyzwól mnie z tego szaleńczego biegu w kołowrotku niczym otumaniony chomik w klatce. Nie pozwól światu wcisnąć mnie w klatkę. Przecież dałeś mi wolność...

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    I marvel that societies in the world give power over the fate of his people and his country, which in fairness have little in common. Why people do not listen to those who are characterized by wisdom, just choose shouters and despots. But in power need of wise men... Where are they? Why silent?

    Nadziwić się nie mogę, że społeczeństwa na świecie oddają władzę nad losem swoim i swojego kraju osobom, które z uczciwością niewiele mają wspólnego. Czemu ludzie nie słuchają tych, którzy cechują się mądrością, tylko wybierają krzykaczy i despotów. Przecież u władzy potrzeba ludzi mądrych... Gdzie oni są? Czemu milczą?
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Mom Mama

    You love your parents and look at them with love. Do not you see that are just as lost in life as you. Sometimes it's better not to look at others, because you can then see NOTHING. Don't risk so.

     Kochasz swoich rodziców i patrzysz na nich z miłością. Nie dostrzegasz, że są tak samo zagubieni w życiu, jak ty. Czasami lepiej nie przyglądać się za dobrze innym, bo można wtedy NIC nie zobaczyć. Nie ryzykuj więc.

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Lady Dama

    Lady of high society dresses through dress, jewelry, talks at the level and in the heart despises the common folk. What is her real value? Is she better than those she so despises?

    Pani z wyższych sfer zakłada na siebie drogą suknię, biżuterię, prowadzi rozmowy na poziomie, a w sercu gardzi pospólstwem. Jaka jest jej prawdziwa wartość? Czy jest lepsza od tych, którymi tak pogardza?

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Unmaried old woman Stara panna

    I wonder: if the old bachelor is familiar with the old maid, the problem of single people alone would be solved. Both, after all want the same thing: love. Why, then, so hard for them to meet each other? The two of us better...

    Tak sobie myślę: gdyby stary kawaler zapoznał się ze starą panną, to problem osób samotnych sam by się rozwiązał. Oboje przecież pragną tego samego: miłości. Czemu więc tak trudno im spotkać się ze sobą? We dwoje lepiej...

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Young Młody

    Again be beautiful and young... It's nice to be, and even if you could keep this understanding now what I have, it's pretty would be great! Otherwise it would be a bit of nonsense to go back to the past. For what? To again make the same mistakes?

    Być znowu pięknym i młodym... Fajnie by było, a jeszcze, gdyby można było zachować ten rozum co teraz mam, to już całkiem byłoby super! Inaczej byłoby trochę bezsensu wracać do przeszłości. Po co? Aby znowu popełnić te same błędy?
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Trophy Trofeum

    In today's world everything is allowed. Both the woman and man can put a nose ring, tongue, navel, anywhere. The dress also full freedom. We create more bizarre zoo.

    We współczesnym świecie wszystko jest akceptowane. Zarówno kobieta, jak i mężczyzna mogą włożyć sobie kolczyk do nosa, do języka, do pępka, gdziekolwiek. W ubiorze także pełna dowolność. Tworzymy coraz dziwaczniejsze zoo.

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Terrorist Terrorysta

    It's hard to call someone a fighter who kills innocent people who did not expect the attack. It is only cowards in this way fight. If terrorist stood up to fight one on one, then he could show that with his hero.

    Trudno nazwać bojownikiem kogoś, kto morduje niewinnych ludzi, którzy nawet nie spodziewają się ataku. To tylko tchórze w ten sposób walczą. Gdyby terrorysta stanął do walki jeden na jednego, wtedy mógłby pokazać, jaki z niego bohater.

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Gift Prezent

    Yesterday again I received a letter in which he informed me that I won something. Strange, because nothing did not take part. Another scam as already won a car and one hundred thousand dollars. So far, I can not wait.

    Wczoraj znowu otrzymałem list, w którym informują mnie, że coś wygrałem. Dziwne, bo w niczym nie brałem udziału. Kolejny przekręt tak jak już wcześniej wygrałem samochód i sto tysięcy złotych. Do tej pory nie mogę się doczekać.

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Fear Strach

    The smaller the danger, the greater the fear. Most are afraid of what we don't see. We imagine then incredible things. Let us fear most of all your thoughts, not to us lie reality.

    Im mniejsze zagrożenie, tym większy strach. Najbardziej boimy się tego, czego nie widzimy. Wyobrażamy sobie wtedy niestworzone rzeczy. Bójmy się przede wszystkim swoich myśli, aby nie zakłamywały nam rzeczywistości.

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TV set

    Have you considered how much time you lose to watch TV? It's your wasted hours of life. You don't care?

    Czy zastanawiałeś się nad tym, ile czasu tracisz na oglądanie telewizji? To przecież twoje zmarnowane godziny życia. Nie interesuje cię to?

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Don't drink

    Stop drunk, and your life will cease to be blurred. With the problems you have to fight, not flee from them.
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– What do you have in the bow?
– Ball.
– What do you need it?
– I'll play.
– With who?
– With an angel...

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    Unwanted children curse their fate – they would prefer to never be born than to live without love. Look at the children in the street. It's all emptiness and suffering.

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Ghost in the shirt

    When suddenly falls shirt with hanger or all those flying from the hands, don't be afraid – it's just ghosts manifest their presence. They bored too. When they can scare someone, they are delighted. Even if you're not afraid, let's pretend a little. You shall make them with this great joy.

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    Supposedly the aliens there is no, even though so many people claim to have seen them. Spaceships, kidnappings, signs in the heavens and the earth, everything is ignored. It's hard to believe, but since we don't believe in God, how to believe in aliens?

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This one

    Even if you hide, always someone will see you and denounce you. At each corner of the camera, in every window, eyes that follow your every step.


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My love is larger

    „In love there is no equality – I will love harder, if necessary...” – E. Dickinson. We competed in the daily love and fortunately never abandon us.

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    Do you want to live peacefully without too much stress? Buy a farm and move to the countryside. You will then be fully independent – will live on your own land.

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Man with turban

    You want to become a terrorist? Put the turban on your head and press the button. Your new faith has made you tear.

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    Polite mice sit quietly under the broom – naughty meet for to rendezvous.


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    When children fall on your head, start to work. Change everyday password for wi-fi. Internet child will be given only after a number designated by you duties, eg. To clean up your room or walking the dog. It's a great way to lazy children.

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Christmas star

    When the star will lights up, make a wish, and certainly come true. Then sit back in the chair, turn on the TV and wait for a miracle. Surely happen.

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Funny image 069

    As a seal on appearances waiting for a fish as a reward, so we expect that someone pat us in the face and expressed his approbation.

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    On the bench sits toper, quite drunk old man, the bench his house, bush toilet, he must drink, and go to heaven.


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Funny image 067

    Beyond you life? You don't find yourself in it? You don't know how to deal with it? Do not worry – once this is over, and you finally rest, forever...
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Run over

    When you witness an accident and you see a man lying without shoes, you can be pretty sure that the man was dead. It's a strange property, repeatedly confirmed in the experience: in an accident dead people fall shoes, even if they were firmly tied to his feet.
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    People are looking for a life of adventure, they want to feel the thrill, the adrenaline. They invent more and more dangerous activities and die like moths combusting in balefire flame.

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    Money, money, money – repeat constantly people and go to work two jobs to buy a coveted thing. Then they die and all that accumulated in your life, leave to others, and they throw in the trash, because they do not want. That's wasting life.


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Teeth control

    Take care of your teeth – this is very important. Many diseases from them comes from. Do not be afraid of the dentist – it's the same man as you. He probably is afraid of something.

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    Keeping the animal in the house, we treat them as a family member, and when it is gone, we despair by many days – it's a family member...

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    Dangerous this man, what strolling along the ground takes everything. Equally threateningly doing people who pass through life and sow around pain and destruction. Are you one of them?

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    Cool guy would be he if not the spike that protrudes from the mouth. It is the same with us: cool guys we are, if not our fault and vices. Let us fight with them, and maybe another people manages to endure in life with us.
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    Make haste slowly – the saying goes. In the rush of life much is lost, we want too much, too fast ... It breeds in us tension and brings our life to a supporting role.

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   My grandmother always said that you should be afraid of the living, not the dead. In light of recent world events you have to admit she was right – should be afraid of the living.
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Second half

    Apparently, somewhere in the world is our second half, someone who perfectly fit for us. If so, how to find this person? Maybe become a traveler? May just has not proved it to be Eskimo. It is true that the language of love is universal (especially kissing), but would sometimes like to also talk with such a person, but how?
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    You look at the rich and famous people, envious them all this, but you may have experienced such a feeling of intimacy with another person: no matter where, and how, it's important to be together. Think what they may envy you the rich and famous. Do you think they really have everything?

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    My beloved niece with sister moved to another city – 200 km away from me. This distance will kill our closeness in a short time. Already nothing will be as it was. You had done me a great void that your departure – as the poet says. For now, I'm sad...
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